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Has Islam been hijacked ?

Welcome to The Oldham Muslim Forum, your voice for the Muslims on the ground living in Oldham & surrounding areas. Are you FED UP of being misrepresented in the Media, has Islam been hijacked by a few ignorant people?

Constantly Apologising ?

Are we being constantly forced to apologise for some one else's actions ? are we undermined continuously and pressurised to accept that we have an Islamic Problem rather than blaming the individuals ? are we being forced to accept the current narrative.

is Media Training required ?

Do you think you or your organisation can benefit from the right kind of media training to appropriately represent your institute, business or organisation without it being misconstrued to mean something else ? .

What is in it for you

Why not have a read of our aims and objectives and see for yourself of how we can assist each other, to create social, moral and spiritual harmony within our region.

Please click below to see the constitution or join us today by clicking here

Please click below to see our aims and objectives

Looking forward to receiving your enquiry

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